Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Time Draws Nigh

I just got off the phone with Dwight from The Real School of Music, and we set up my 4 weeks of lessons!

I'll be learning to play guitar from Erik Ringstad beginning this Thursday at 2:30 pm, and continuing for four weeks. After that time, if I am satisfied with my progress and the level of fun, then I most certainly will finish out the year at the pro-rated tuition.

I am so excited, that I kind of want to run right out and buy a guitar before the local music stores close! However, I am going to do some more online research in order to go in prepared, and I may even check out more than one store, just to get the best deal.

* I just (7 pm) received my confirmation e-mail & class schedule, and apparently I do not start until next week. Oh well! More time to get a really good guitar, and have some time to mess around with it beforehand.

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