Monday, September 7, 2009

Impressions I

I went for a long walk yesterday as part of my exercise regimen, iPod implanted in both ears, and mind wandering, as I made my way down the sunny back streets of town in the cool dry air.

I was mindlessly listening to Sara Bareilles' "One Sweet Love", and the lyrics kind of caught me off-guard. I felt an unexpected upwelling of emotions as I walked under the trees past the various houses. It wasn't despair, as I am not a negative person by nature, but there was definitely a sharp pang of melancholy. In a moment of clarity, it made me realize how alone I feel at times. Not alone in the world, because I have an amazing family and many great friends, but alone in love.

I've been lucky enough to have experienced powerful romantic love several times in my life, but that all-encompassing emotional jumble has been missing for a long time now, and for some reason, the song rattled it loose from whatever back room of my mind it had been sleeping in. Which is odd, because I am not really a 'lyrics' kind of guy, nor overly sentimental when there is no woman in my life. Perhaps the lack of a daily work routine has left me more open to emotional internal meanderings. Whatever the reason, and whatever the end result, it has made me more cognizant of lyrics when I listen to music now, and has somewhat altered the way I view the world as I am wandering through it...

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