Saturday, October 3, 2009

Practice Makes Perf- er, Better.

I woke up today knowing I wanted to put in some good time practicing, but I got side-tracked by several things (new Lego blocks I was itching to build an "alien cantina" with, college football, finishing a book, etc...). But from 4 pm to 5 pm I wore my fingers down in front of the muted BC - Florida State game, doing my exercises and song-learning (2 Jewel tunes and "Mrs. Robinson") to a modicum of proficiency. At least they are somewhat recognizable now! ☺

Also, on a side note, I was on my walk yesterday, and a song just popped into my head (well, lyrics at least, no music yet). Coming soon: "The Chestnut War" (or something similar...). I'm getting better at cementing ideas in my head when I am nowhere near a pad or a computer.

Currently listening to:

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