Tuesday, October 22, 2019

End of an Era

Kevin came over today to wash my bathroom's ceiling as a preparation for painting later this week. He brought Jared along, and as I hadn't been using my poor guitar for ages, I decided to give it to him. He was psyched!

I'm glad that after ten years of early fun and mostly idleness my guitar (which, due to my always careful storage, left here in near-new condition) has a new home...


Friday, July 5, 2019

ZZZzzz... Huh? Wuzzat?

After loading all 1500 (or however many) songs onto a USB drive for my car, I've spent a bit of time singing to and from work. I am NOT a singer, but just the simple act has made me want to dust off my guitar again. I'll probably drag it out on Sunday, and proceed from there...