Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Less Formal

I am so used to sitting up in a sturdy chair and running through all of my lessons (and the songs that Erik gave me last semester) in a professional manner, that it never occurred to me to just play in my Big Leather Chair while I watched tv...

...which I did today. It's very cool to me that playing is becoming more natural, and less like a scheduled activity!

In-Blog Play:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Family Fun

I was at my sister's house on Tuesday night for dinner, and to make homemade postcards with my nieces & nephew to send to their cousins' house in California. I finally felt comfortable enough to play in front of someone other than my instructor, and it was amazing. The kids loved it, and I got a lot of encouragement from the adults (my sis, bro-in-law, and especially my brother, who was doing some painting for our li'l sis).

Plus, it felt fantastic.

It was so bizarre! I barely know ten songs, and none of them at a professional level, but I had SO much fun playing for them, and hearing feedback. My first 'public' performance was a success, and I am glad I was able to do it in front of such a favorably-disposed crowd. I am going to work my ASS off so I can put on a respectable show for my musically-inclined friends at the music festival I am producing this summer...